Rachel’s Hippotherapy
published 26 May 2016 by sandestinfound in Children's Stories category with 0 comments
published 26 May 2016 by sandestinfound in Children's Stories category with 0 comments
Many of you remember Rachel from our previous stories. Rachel was born with a brain bleed due to complications with her twin brother. She has made tremendous improvements, and it is amazing to see how fast she is growing! Rachel’s mom recently reached out to Sandestin Foundation for Kids to let us know that Rachel is having some issues with her hip sockets. If her alignment doesn’t improve, Rachel will have to have very invasive surgery to repair them. Rachel’s family learned that horseback riding can be very beneficial to Rachel’s condition, so she recently started riding horses in a therapy center. The sessions are expensive and quickly drained the family’s health savings account. The Foundation took action immediately and paid for all of Rachel’s therapy sessions until she turns 7 in November. Rachel has already had one set of scans, and her alignment is already showing some improvement. We are hoping the hippotherapy does the trick, and there is no surgery in Rachel’s future!